802.11 | “eight-oh-two-dot-eleven” | 播放 |
ABAP | “ah-bop” | 播放 |
ACL | “aye-cee-el” or “aye-kull” | 播放 |
acronym | AK-ruh-nihm" | 播放 |
APAR | AY-pahr | 播放 |
ASCII | ASK-ee | 播放 |
BAPI | BAH- pee | 播放 |
Beowulf | bay-oh-woolf | 播放 |
cache | cash | 播放 |
canonicalization | KA-nahn-nihk-uhl-ih-ZAY-shun | 播放 |
CICS | kicks or cee-eye-cee-ess | 播放 |
CISSP | cee-eye-ess-ess-pee | 播放 |
CLEC | cleck or cee-leck | 播放 |
COMMAREA | COM -area | 播放 |
daemon | DEE-mon or DAY-mon | 播放 |
data | DAY-tuh | 播放 |
Debian | deb-ee-an | 播放 |
DOS | doss | 播放 |
EBCDIC | EHB-suh-dik | 播放 |
FAQ | fack or eff-ay-q | 播放 |
Fibre | fie-burr | 播放 |
FUD | fud | 播放 |
gibibyte | GIH-bee-bite | 播放 |
GIF | giff (with a hard “g” as in goat) or jiff (as in the peanut butter) | 播放 |
GNOME | GUH-nome or nome (rhymes with home) | 播放 |
GNU | ga-noo or noo | 播放 |
grok | grahk | 播放 |
GUI | GOO-ee | 播放 |
heterogeneous | het-ter-o-GENE-ee-us | 播放 |
HIPAA | HIP-puh | 播放 |
IDS | eye-dee-ess | 播放 |
IPsec | EYE-pee-sec | 播放 |
iSCSI | EYE-scuzzy | 播放 |
IT | EYE-TEE | 播放 |
ITIL | EYE-till | 播放 |
J2EE | jay-TWO-ee-ee or, by some, jah-TOO-ee | 播放 |
keitai | kay-tie | 播放 |
Kerberos | KERR-berr-ross | 播放 |
LAN | lan (rhymes with man) | 播放 |
LEC | lehk | 播放 |
Linux | LIH-nux | 播放 |
LOB | ell-oh-bee | 播放 |
LPAR | EL-par | 播放 |
LU-LU | loo-loo | 播放 |
mebibyte | MEH-bee-byte | 播放 |
MIPS | mihps | 播放 |
MySQL | my-ess-q-el | 播放 |
NAS | nazz | 播放 |
NetBEUI | NET-boo-ee | 播放 |
nuclear | new-klee-er | 播放 |
OLE | OH-EHL-EE | 播放 |
OS X | OH-ESS-ten | 播放 |
parity | PAIR-ih-tee | 播放 |
PC-cillin | PEE-CEE SIHL-uhn (rhymes with penicillin) | 播放 |
PEBCAK | PEEB-kak | 播放 |
PoE | PEE-OH-EEE | 播放 |
POSIX | PAH-zihcks | 播放 |
PostgreSQL | post-gree-es-q-el | 播放 |
QAM | kyoo-ay-ehm | 播放 |
queue | just like the letter q, “kyoo” | 播放 |
QWERTY | KWEHR-tee | 播放 |
RACF | rack-EFF | 播放 |
Rijndael | RAIN-dahl | 播放 |
router | rowt-ter (US) or root-ter (UK) | 播放 |
SaaS | sah-ss, rhymes with “glass” | 播放 |
SAML | sah-muhl | 播放 |
SAP | ess-ay-pee | 播放 |
SAPScript | ess-ay-pee-script | 播放 |
SATA | SAY-tuh | 播放 |
schema | SKI-muh | 播放 |
SFA | ess-eff-ay | 播放 |
Siebel | SEE-bull | 播放 |
SIP | sihp | 播放 |
SOA | soh-ah | 播放 |
Sophos | SO-fohs | 播放 |
SQL | ess-q-el or SEE-kwehl (both are used) | 播放 |
SuSE | sue-sah | 播放 |
sysop | SISS-op | 播放 |
UDDI | you-die or ewe-dee-dee-eye | 播放 |
URL | yew-are-el | 播放 |
VAR | vahr | 播放 |
vi | vee-aye | 播放 |
VoIP | vee-oh-eye-pee | 播放 |
WAN | wan (rhymes with man) | 播放 |
wav file | WAVE-file | 播放 |
WebDAV | WEB-daav | 播放 |
Wi-Fi | WHY-FY (rhymes with sky) | 播放 |
Windows Me | WIHN-dohs EHM-EE | 播放 |
WLAN | double-you-lan | 播放 |
WSCI | wiz-key | 播放 |
WSDL | wiz-dull | 播放 |
WYSIWYG | WIZ-ee-wig | 播放 |
Xanadu | ZAN-ah-doo | 播放 |